Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yummy Burgers And Potential Chaos

Its been awhile since I've posted something weird but I figure this should make up for it. Ever wonder why your McDonald's burger never looks as good as the photo you see in an advertisement? Turns out the "photo-shoot" burger uses the same materials found in the one you can order....the key is the construction. Photo-shoot burgers are built to showcase the various items found in the burger. Real burgers are constructed to stay warm and be eaten.

Learn more.....

....and in case you needed is someone doing something stupid.... They drop a few "f-bombs" so if you don't want to hear that then turn the volume off. Wait until the end to see what happens. The description says they were returning from fishing when they climbed under a parked train that started to roll.

Same thing happened to me while walking back from surfing torrey pines one day. I was under a car when I heard the train start up. I never actually heard the engine...just a "clank, clank, clank" coming down the line as the front of the train started to pull the slack out of the couplings between the cars. The sound was the couplings engaging one at a time all the way down the line. I was out of there FAST!