Saturday, June 16, 2012

Non-regular Algebras Of Dimension 3

Michelle and I attended my sister's commencement at UCSD today. Amy earned her undergrad in Woman's Studies in the 90's and worked at a law firm in New York for awhile.

One day she decided she wanted to earn a PhD in math so she went back to school....and a few years later here we are. Her specialty is Non-regular Algebras Of Dimension 3. I asked her to explain it one time and it basically involves math with numbers that don't really exist. Want to know more? You will have to ask her yourself ;)

The commencement speaker was Bobby Bowman, the producer of the Family Guy series. He was a very funny speaker who's comments were entertaining and a little racy. Michelle thought he was hilarious though a few others may have been slightly annoyed. We loved it! Congrats Amy...we are proud of you!