Monday, February 6, 2012

Great Weekend At The Jumps...Rain Coming Soon!

Had fun at the jumps this weekend. The weather forcast is predicting rain on Wednesday so we tried to finish up a new (and bigger) line that has been under construction for a month or so. I spend four hours on Saturday digging a hole/runway and creating a landing (Michelle worked on budget all day so I had a hall pass to dig and ride from 8 AM to 3:30 PM on Saturday). In the second photo below you can see a boy in a red shirt standing on top of the pile I made.

Another guy from the jumps (Josh) said he would stop by on Monday and finish the lip (which will be placed immediately to the left of the boy with the red shirt). At that point we will be able to roll down the hill, hit a roller that launches us into a mid-sized jump that will REALLY launch us into the third one. Hopefully with the rain on Wednesday the new jumps will be hard enough for us to try jumping them next week. Should be cool!

A bunch of the older guys are donating their old bike parts to one of the kids who rides at the jumps all the time. The boy's name is Mike and he currently rides an old beat up bike with junky parts and a coaster brake. He is getting better and starting to jump some of the bigger stuff. We are putting together a legit BMX bike to give him (I donated a back rim and brakes). I'll take a photo of the bike when its ready.

I thought I would post a photo of the jumps for you to check out. Its getting bigger every can compare the two photos to see some growth..look closely...the "jumping area" is getting wider. Everything is a little bigger. The first photo is from December and the second is from last weekend. Pretty cool!

I also included a photo of Brian Foster, a pro BMX rider, who is 38. He still rips and has tons of style. A video of him is below as well. No flips, no crazy tricks...just fast, big jumps and lots of style. Love it!