Friday, July 22, 2011

Weather & The Night Sky

I have always been a big fan of the Astronomy Picture Of The Day (APOD) website. Every day (for years!) they have posted a new picture along with an explanation by a professional astronomer. You can spend hours viewing and learning about different features of our sky. I suggest you take a look.

Recently they posted a time-lapse video of the night sky taken in Australia. I love how the clouds move across the sky. Take a look. Clicking the four white arrows in the lower right corner of the movie should make it display in "full screen". What do you think the moving lights are? Answer is below the movie. Can you find the brief flash from a communications satellite at 1:50?

Ocean Sky from Alex Cherney on Vimeo.


The moving lights are fishing boats, cargo ships, and cars, depending upon which scene you are looking at.