Thursday, July 28, 2011

Break It Down...

A week ago last Monday I was practicing barspins at the skatepark. I crashed and twisted my left ankle. It was pretty painful for the first couple of days and I couldn't put any pressure on it. By Thursday I was able to hop around the house. By Friday I was feeling better. During the next few days I went shopping at Home Depot, rode my bike to the beach for a swim, put a couple of new screens in our kitchen windows, cleaned up the back yard, went to the mall with Michelle, helped my neighbor move furniture, and climbed around the backyard on a ladder hanging the lanterns.

I couldn't help but notice my foot was still painful. Yesterday I visited the doctor for an unrelated reason and told him about it. He x-rayed my ankle and guess what? I broke the end of a bone in my foot!

I visited a specialist today who told me there isn't much we can do for that bone. He recommended a "foot brace" which will help keep my foot straight and flat while I move around. He didn't want to put a cast on it so it looks like there isn't much to do besides sit around for a month or so and take it easy.

This is the first time I have broken a bone during my 40 years on this planet. There is always time for a first.

On another note, I recently learned how to do one handed 360's...that's a first too...and enough to make anyone smile!