Sunday, June 26, 2011

Black Gold

Michelle and I went for a sail today with our friend Patrick. We sailed the southern portion of San Diego Bay. On the way home we stopped by Coronado Brewery for a beer and a sandwich. At the bar we met the deckhand from a private yacht called "Black Gold". The deckhand said the yacht was owned by a family who made money from pavement (I thought it was related to oil). He said the family who owned the yacht has had multiple boats, and therefore were up to to Black Gold 2, 3, 4, etc..

I found this interesting because just last night I was visiting a website called Live Ships Map where you can  view the tracks of boats which have an Automatic Identification System (AIS) installed. This site provides real-time data on the location (and destination) of major ships....and I just happened to see "Black Gold" listed as a ship docked in Berkley, California.....of all the gin joints in the world...