Tuesday, June 14, 2011

As Mad As a Sitting Hen...

Today was a tough day at work....time to say goodbye to some good friends who are being laid off. But if there is a silver lining on this situation, it would be a figure of speech shared by Keith.

Keith, a teacher at our school, was responsible for sharing a "good bye" story about Noel, an outstanding teacher who is loosing his job due to budget cuts. Keith was sharing with the group how Noel was an advocate/champion for his students. Keith remembered when he questioned Noel about a student Keith thought might have been a troublemaker. Noel surprised Keith by quickly standing up for the student.

Keith (who is from Indiana) described Noel's reaction by saying "I might as well have pissed on a sitting hen".

Wondering if that's how some people from the midwest describe the act of ruffling someone's feathers!!!