Monday, March 14, 2011

Be Prepared

We always knew we should put an emergency kit together in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster but the recent tragedy in Japan motivated us to do something about it. This weekend Michelle and I created a survival kit including food, water, tools, first aid supplies, and other items. It turned out it wasn't that difficult since we have a lot of supplies on hand due to camping. We created a plan for storing water and food, made sure both Michelle and I knew where key tools are located around the house, and made copies of important documents (birth certificates, house papers, etc....). We should be good to go.

We even found an emergency radio which bought for our neighbor who loves gadgets.....its pretty cool - it runs on solar or a hand crank and it charges cel phones and is am/fm and a weather radio. You can even plug your ipod into it and use it as a speaker!

In case you haven't heard...I'm into this non-fiction kick where I love reading manuals. That is part of the reason why I took the short-wave radio test...I was having fun reading the book on it. While looking for the items above I purchased a cool "survival guide" which talks about wilderness medicine, building shelter, and other interesting things to know.

But....I also found a book that talked about EXTREME survival strategies designed for the "end of the world" which included chapters on the following:
  • growing your own "freedom garden" for when the global financial crisis destroys our economy
  • securing your house (for when the civil war comes)
  • building a "barter stockpile" of items to trade with others when money means nothing
  • designing an escape route for when you can't take it anymore and need to "get out of dodge"
I want to be prepared but yikes thats a little too scary :)