Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 15

It has been very hot and humid recently. It makes for some great sunsets but camping in the backyard is pretty sweaty. Fortunately our camper has fans so we're able to cool off in the afternoon and evening.

Right now Cesar and his team are finishing up the drywall. They put the coving in the kitchen. They also added drywall for the fireplace. We can now see what the new shape will look like. We are excited to put firewood in the holder nd enjoy a fire on a nice winter evening.

The bathroom has been prepared for the installation of the shower. They used some type of black thick substance to coat the base of the shower. They also removed the exterior shower doors. We asked them to push the shower doors about 1 inch out from the current location in order to allow them to open completely once the stucco has been replaced. So for now, the shower doors are sitting in the bedroom.

The built-in cabinet in the kitchen has been framed and drywalled too. It's amazing how much more you can see of the space when the drywall is up.

Gerardo added the wiring for the outdoor Wi-Fi antenna that we will have in the backyard. 

Jack was in a cat fight and injured his back paw. His foot was swollen and hard to walk on so we took him to the vet. The vet took care of everything but drugged him up. Jack is spending a lazy warm Sunday afternoon passed out on the camper floor.

Onward and upward!