Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 17

The outside of the house is coming along. The brown coat for the stucco has been applied. The next step is to put the final coat on. We are not sure when that will happen.

On the inside of the house the plaster has been applied to the living room. They are asking us to pick out patterns for the floor tile. We are not sure which one we will use. The niche for Michelle's santo has been installed on the west wall. Things are looking great.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 16

The team is preparing to stucco the outside of the house. Cesar and his group have installed chicken-wire on the outside walls in preparation for the brown coat, the base layer of stucco. 

TRIVIA: Chicken wire in Spanish is "alambre de pollo" which literally means chicken wire. Go figure.

The new electrical box is installed and running. We are no longer running off of the old power grid.

The bathroom shower door has been reinstalled and is ready to go.

Any additional rubble from construction is being piled up behind the kitchen and bathroom doors in preparation for the formation of the new deck. This is an ingenious way to kill two birds with one stone, get rid of junk while building a foundation for our new exterior deck.

Cesar and his team are prepping the interior walls for stucco as well. They are patching the seams of the drywall. This is a lot of work!

In order to prepare for the new interior finish, Roger spent the last few days scoring the existing walls and ceiling with a grinder. This will provide a tacky surface for the new stucco to stick to.

The bathroom pocket door has been installed. Now we have a better understanding of how large the opening will be. We love the way the bathroom is coming together.

Every corner in the house will be "bull-nosed". This takes some time. Cesar and his team are installing a piece of tape with a metal curve in it. The tape comes in long strips and is cut to the correct length, then "stuck" to the corner with putty. The finished product will look wonderful.

On the home front, Jack got into another fight. This time his back paw ended up getting bitten. He was hobbling around on a swollen paw for a couple of days so we decided to take him to the vet. The doctor shaved his paw and cleaned up the wounds. After a couple of drowsy days on pain meds, Jack is back to his normal self, hanging out on the patio and eating lots of food. It is tough being an outdoor cat but he wouldn't want it any other way. No worries, the fur will grow back :)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 15

It has been very hot and humid recently. It makes for some great sunsets but camping in the backyard is pretty sweaty. Fortunately our camper has fans so we're able to cool off in the afternoon and evening.

Right now Cesar and his team are finishing up the drywall. They put the coving in the kitchen. They also added drywall for the fireplace. We can now see what the new shape will look like. We are excited to put firewood in the holder nd enjoy a fire on a nice winter evening.

The bathroom has been prepared for the installation of the shower. They used some type of black thick substance to coat the base of the shower. They also removed the exterior shower doors. We asked them to push the shower doors about 1 inch out from the current location in order to allow them to open completely once the stucco has been replaced. So for now, the shower doors are sitting in the bedroom.

The built-in cabinet in the kitchen has been framed and drywalled too. It's amazing how much more you can see of the space when the drywall is up.

Gerardo added the wiring for the outdoor Wi-Fi antenna that we will have in the backyard. 

Jack was in a cat fight and injured his back paw. His foot was swollen and hard to walk on so we took him to the vet. The vet took care of everything but drugged him up. Jack is spending a lazy warm Sunday afternoon passed out on the camper floor.

Onward and upward!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Week 14

The school year is in full swing and we can tell by where our focus is. I saved the week 12 post but forgot to publish it. We didn't even create a week 13 post. I took a couple photos of the fireplace but other than that we have been busy getting ready for students.

I have decided that unless I dedicate some time each Saturday to document the construction, time will quickly pass by and we will lose the opportunity to record this experience.

Earlier in the week Cesar and his team installed the insulation in the walls and ceiling. After that, the drywall was delivered. Drywall sheeting quickly appeared in the bedroom and the kitchen. The ceilings were done as well as the walls. The drywall helps to define the shape of the room and it actually makes the space feel larger. 

They are also working on the coving in the kitchen. If you look closely, you can see the score marks on the back of the drywall. They use the score marks to help bend the drywall and create the final smooth shape that will match the living room. 

We are excited about next week because we believe all of the drywall should be in and we can better visualize the overall space.

Week 13

We fell a little behind in our journal because we have returned to work. That means more time is spent at school and less on the home. Progress is still moving forward. One of the most recent additions is the construction to the fireplace. More about the project in our next post.