Thursday, December 24, 2015
Merry Late Christmas
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Week 27
We have been busy during the last two week moving back into the house and getting things finished. I have been spending a lot of time on the AV system.
Michelle and I moved in all of our boxes and everything we need is back in the house. The entire project is almost complete. The electrical is finished and the plumbing is complete. The only things that need to be done are outside. We still need to finish the brick walkway, repaint the outside of the house, install a new fence, and finish the Ensenada patio. Otherwise we are moved in and happy. It is a wonderful place. We will try to continue posting news as it becomes available.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Week 25
A lot has happened during the last week. Each day almost five or six different guys have been here working on the house.
Enrique the electrician stopped by the house and installed all f the switches. I installed our hanging lights. They look awesome.
The heating system is up and running. We are enjoying nice warm temperatures inside the house! Nate the heating system reviewer is here to evaluate the system and verify it is up to code.
The bathroom is almost finished. We need to install some outlets, mount door pulls, and build a small cabinet for our towels. Other than that, it is completely functional and looks beautiful! We are now taking showers indoors.
We have moved into the bedroom. It is 100% complete. It is the first room in the house to be totally done.
The table we ordered came in and it looks awesome!
The crew is now working on the back patio and it should be complete within 2 days. I will send more photos later but we are very busy moving back into the house.
After spending six months outdoors I have forgotten how warm indoors can be. Sleeping in our bedroom is just like staying at Ponte, the winery in Temecula. It is beautiful and luxurious!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Week 24
We are starting to see the project wrap up now. Last week the team spent a few days on the outside of the house. They put new stucco on three of the four walls. Are original stucco was a cat face pattern and was the color Verde green. Fortunately we kept some of the original stucco from the original stucco project a few years ago. The team was able to match the color and now the house looks like it was never cut open.
Abraham was brought in to finish the floors. He finished staining the floors and applied two coats of lacquer. The floors look beautiful but we have to stay off of them for 3 more days.
After that, it is time to paint the remaining rooms in the house, install the floorboards, put the finishes on the plumbing, and install the electrical switches and outlets. We have selected the lights for the ceiling and we even found two special lights to be placed over the bed. These lights have a very narrow focus and will be perfect for reading by. The extra light switches and pieces for the AV system have all come in the mail. We are ready to roll.
Mario says our target date for moving in is Thanksgiving break. That's one week from today. We know the house will still be worked on after we move in. There is some work to do in the patio and around the side of the house, but we will be able to sleep indoors and take a shower inside of a building. We are so impressed with the quality of work!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Week 23
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Week 22