Saturday, December 31, 2011

Winter Action

Its been a fun and relaxing winter break. Before Michelle and I left for baja, I spent a few days digging dirt jumps in OB. A bunch of people have been showing up to dig (including a few kids from my school) and we have easily doubled the size of our trails. The photos taken below were from the middle of December. The shot from the top of the hill gives you a good perspective on the number of jumps we have running.

Soon after the photos were taken, Michelle and I left for our first Baja camping trip in a few years. We had a great time camping and caught some amazing surf. Michelle took a bunch of photos and I've posted a couple of photos below. We will post a link to the photo album shortly.

Since we have been back, I've been hanging out at the jumps again. Most of them are dry now but a couple of the big ones are a little wet, a little slow, and barely makable. They should be good to go within a couple of weeks. More jumping photos to follow.