Friday, November 25, 2011

Nimitz III

My first memory of dirt jumps at Nimitz was 1996. A group of people built a bunch of jumps on the east side of the dirt lot. I wasn't really into jumping at the time and only hit them twice. Eventually they were plowed.

My second memory of dirt jumps at Nimitz was in 2009. The guys who started the jumps were friends from Barnard. The jumps were towards the west side of the dirt lot. Good times and a severely tweaked wrist is what I remember.Of course.....they were plowed again...

I drove by Nimitz a month ago and saw some small "mountain bike" style jumps. Basically that means they were underdeveloped jumps that mostly involved launching off of ledges and hills....not really my thing. Last week I noticed someone built a legit set of doubles. Nice lips and fun landings that pump you immediately into the next set. I swapped out my front tire for a knobby, showed up with a shovel and spend a few days digging.

Perfect timing because soon it rained pretty hard. This gave me a couple of days to rebuild the main section by building up the lips and adding to the landings. The goal is to make it through the entire line without pedaling. Today was the first day since the rain that I ran the line and was able to make it through without a pedal. As the dirt dries, the jumps will become faster and better.

See below for a photo of me chilling at the bottom of the second jump in the main set, a video of me making it through the whole line, and another video of what happens when things go wrong. Regardless of what happens, it made for a good time. I love dirt!

By the way...I made the video by jamming my ipod into my helmet....that is my cheap-o version of a helmet cam :)