Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What Does 33 1/3 Mean To You?

With two injured feet, I've been spending time chillin'.... reading wikipedia and listening to records. Did I mention we hooked up a turntable to our home stereo? Actually we made a "super duper" turntable by reconditioning an old record player from a neighbor across the alley. I took it apart, repaired the "cueing" lever and installed a needle and drive belt from my old turntable.

Now we have a fancy piece of 80's technology and are ready to play some records. We pulled out some of my favorites from high school:
  • Elvis Costello
  • The Untouchables
  • The Donkey Show
  • The Cars
...and gave them a spin. As you can tell, I was into ska (among other things) in the late 80's. I included a before and after picture below to show the progression over 20 years (before being prom in the 80's wearing a suit complete with "braces" and a skinny tie and after being Michelle and I in New Mexico after our most recent trip).

Rude Boy? Come over to our house and we can spin some records!

What does 33 1/3 rpm mean to you?