Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Can See For Miles...

Fred and I took a hike up Cowels Mountain on Monday. Cowels is the tallest point in San Diego. The front side of the mountain had dozens of people hiking up and down. We hiked to the top and took a picture next to a plaque. Once we walked past the antenna structure (I took that photo from the web) we hiked over to Piles Peak. It was another 1.4 miles but we only came across three other groups...very relaxing. We could see Point Loma behind the San Diego skyline and all the way south to Mexico and the Coronado Islands.  I think I'll bring our Canon camera next time so I can take some really nice photos of the San Diego skyline.

I threw in a photo of Charlie chilling on the couch....just for fun.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hey You Stepped Out Of Line!

I've been fascinated with North Korea's "discipline" for years. I once read an article from a Russian who visited the country and was impressed with how clean the streets were. He asked his tour guide what would happen if someone "graffitied" or littered and the guide said that doesn't happen. When he pushed for a response by asking what would the police do if someone was caught, the guide couldn't understand the question. The bottom line is you conform to the rules...period.

One of the most public examples of the culture of conformity is the Arirang Mass Games. A yearly show put on by the North Korean government in honor of the president. The performance displays HUNDREDS of people dancing together. Check out the video below. Keep a close eye on the background. The "billboard" consists of hundreds of people holding up individual cards which change in unison. I included a couple close ups of the "card turners" as well.

Want to know more? A State of Mind is a documentary that covers the lives of two North Korean girls who basically take a one year break from school to practice and prepare for participation in the performance (the punch line in this story is the President didn't show up for their performance).

Check out the journal from a westerner who visited North Korea. Here is a link to another person's travels to the country. Both have interesting photos.

North Korea Arirang Mass Games September 2010 from travelling the face of the globe on Vimeo.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Torrey Pines Has Clean Water

I surfed the Jetty yesterday morning. It was pretty good but very dirty. The barrels were yellow and brown....yum...and by the end of the day the "beach closed to sewage" signs were up.

Today Michelle and I drove north to Torrey Pines State Beach. We met up with a friend named Noel and surfed some small but fun waves.

I took the "Sarape" board out for a few waves.

Michelle chilled out on the beach reading and taking photos of birds...

I had fun catching a few waves...

Noel borrowed the board for a few waves...

It was a nice mellow day at Torrey Pines!

Once at home, Jack fell asleep on my lap while I edited and uploaded the photos :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hitting The Window....

I woke up this morning to rain hitting our eastern window. Its not too often that happens...usually during a rainstorm I hear the rain landing on the roof but not the window. I checked the weather radar and saw this...

...which roughly translates into "its going to rain a lot for the next few hours." My weather prediction from last week was off by one day.

So what's to come? I say that it rains most of today then clears up on Thursday until Saturday when the next storm comes in Saturday night / Sunday morning. It won't rain as much as this one...and the wind should be more out of the southwest. We'll see...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm Pretty Sure Thats Not How It Works...

I don't know everything about track and field but I have a feeling this guy would be disqualified...

Friday, December 17, 2010

It Is Going To Rain....

It is going to be a rainy winter least that is what we are predicting. I have been playing around with GRIB files. GRIB is a technology that allows major meteorological organizations such as NOAA to send detailed weather information in a condensed format. The primary audience is the crew of yachts who are sailing in the open ocean. I found a free GRIB viewer program called zygrib. I installed it and started playing with interpreting weather predictions.GRIB files contain computer generated data but not human predictions. I combine this information with data found on shortwave radio faxes to try to make predictions.  

It should rain all weekend into next week with a real heavy dose of rain coming next Thursday....or so I predict. We will see...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chocolate Bunny

Skim boarding is one of those things where I couldn't understand why someone would want to do it until I saw a video of someone who was REALLY good at it. Bill Bryan pretty much has the shove-it down. Check this out an imagine  how much water must go up his nose every day. Now I know why the skim boarders I knew in high school always seemed to have a broken forearm.