Monday, October 11, 2010

Flashback 2005

Michelle and I were cleaning out the back closet a couple of days ago and ran across an old role of undeveloped 35 mm film. We had no idea what to expect......and took it to get developed.

Looks like some photos from a Baja trip. I'm guessing around 2005 because Michelle's hair is short, we are wearing wedding rings, and the truck doesn't have the new front bumper. Some photos were taken in the mountains while others are near the ocean. We remember taking a trip to the Picacho Diablo Mountains (outside of Quatro Casas) and later ending up at Punta San Carlos. The dirt road with cactus looks alot like the drive out to Punta San Carlos. If I remember correctly, that wave was breaking off the inside point at Punta San Carlos.

We miss Baja! Need to go back soon!