Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back Where We Started

Remember last month when I discovered my laptop crashed and I lost all of my files...including a ton of music?

I just spent the last week re-building my music collection. I was able to retrieve some of my music from my iPod, from Michelle's iPhone, and from a hard drive. I couldn't retrieve 100% of my files and I ended up loosing a bunch of reggae.

I rebuilt my music library on a different laptop using iTunes. The attached photo shows how many songs I have. Less than I did before the crash. This number represents the total AFTER I finished removing duplicates...that took awhile. It took me 20 minutes just to remove all duplicates starting with the letter "S".

The good news is most of the lost music wasn't ranked too high. The bad news....I had just finished ranking and categorizing each of my 6000+ songs before my laptop crashed. I'll have to replicate aprox 50% of that work and it will take months......

Next step is to implement a better back-up plan. My old plan involved a hard drive, but I wasn't disciplined enough to do it. My most recent backup was almost a year old.

I've decided to use automated backup strategy that uses an off-site server. Michelle uses JungleDisk and has had success with it. I like the off-site server idea...a few years ago one of my back-up hard drives failed.....that won't be a problem with JungleDisk.

Questions? Contact me and we can chat!