Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Week 8

Week 8 and we are going strong. The electrician has started to put some of the wiring in. You can see where the ceiling lights will go. There are cables and wires hanging everywhere.

The water heater has been put in. We are going for a tankless water heater. It's going to look nice in the end because the box, which is in the wall, will have all of its plumbing hidden. This is possible because we are doing a complete remodel and not a retrofit. There is no need to be limited by existing plumbing.

Michelle and I spent the weekend pretending to relax on the new patio. Right now it is just a pile of rubble, but we spray painted where the steps will go and decided to make a couple minor adjustments to help with the flow.

We drove out to RCP block and brick today and purchased 610 used bricks. We will use the brick for our new walk way around the side of the house to the Ensenada garden. The bricks were a special find because they are used. They are match the other brick in the backyard that was made in the 1940's. Over the years brick colors and shapes have changed.

We recently purchased all of the appliances for the kitchen and the bathroom. This is a costly part of the project but exciting.

Michelle and I went shopping for bathroom tile on Sunday. We picked out some tile for the walls and the shower floor. We found some rocks that remind us of a surf spot in Mexico.

As usual, Jack is hanging out in the bushes and keeping an eye on things. Ryan, the person we are staying with, has decided to let me build his son a BMX track in the backyard so I am working on jumps every day and having fun in the sun.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Week 7

Cesar finished framing the back door a few days ago. They ripped everything out and built new walls and I am impressed with the work. They also blew out the wall into the bedroom and I thought they would frame it this weekend but they couldn't because of the weather. It has been hot and humid down here. Yesterday it rained all day. Today the clouds look threatening. It's Benton's birthday this weekend. Ryan and Camila bought him a new bicycle. It's green, just like the one I had in high school. My birthday present was a berm in the backyard. I hope Benton enjoys it when he comes home from his birthday party. Despite all the chaos in the backyard, Michelle flowers continue to bloom.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Week 6.1

UPDATE: Michelle and I came home from work today and we discovered they blew out the other wall. See below! Looking good.

We forgot to mention we repaired the longboard this weekend. Ready to surf! 

Happy anniversary Michelle...its our 13th :)

Week 6

We are onto week six and things are going well. They knocked out the wall for the kitchen door and the thought of chilling in the kitchen and looking out over the garden. We spent the afternoon picking avocados. Later on Michelle made some guacamole for the neighbors. Jack joined us on the patio for a nice nap.  He was sleeping with his tongue out. We are loving the camping experience.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 5

Michelle and I took our yearly trip to Scripps Ranch for the 4th of July parade. This year we brought Benton along. He had fun sitting in the car and waving at the residents as we drove by. The house is moving forward as well. The construction workers installed the door leading out of the shower, a window in the bedroom, and the windows in the kitchen. We are excited about how much light the new windows bring into our living space. We ask the construction workers to save the old window removed from the wall. The window is original from 1937. We are not sure what we are going to do with it, but hopefully it will find a place somewhere in our new home. I painted a blue box on the wall to help us visualize where the  doors leading out of the bathroom will be once they are installed. Michelle and I are working on elevation plans for the kitchen. We are looking at different shapes and sizes of cupboards and cabinets. We are excited about the possibilities. My mom and dad mentioned they have an old pot belly stove in the garage. We are thinking it may make for a great addition to our bedroom. We will have to see if it fits the layout. My mom and dad are taking pictures and drawing illustrations to help us get a better understanding of what it looks like. Hopefully it will keep us warm on the occasionally cold and rainy nights we have in San Diego.