Monday, November 12, 2012

I Love Pets But Come On Now...

On the way home from some errands and we saw this guy driving down the road with a car full of dogs. there must have been at least 10 of those hot dog shaped dogs running around in the back of the car while he was driving. Each dog was wearing either a dress or a sweater. They were jumping from the front to the back, jumping on the driver, jumping on the chaos. the picture doesn't do it justice....

the driver was going really fast. I kept on thinking how crazyy it would be if he hit the brakes and 10 dogs did the bug splat on the windshield all at once.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Punched In The Chest

The surf was pretty good today after work so I decided to go to catch a couple of waves. I ended up wiping out on a big left and taking one to the chest. Somehow my surfboard poked a hole through my wetsuit and bruised my chest. This happened somewhere between my wipeout and me being pushed to the bottom of the ocean. Fun times...but worth it :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Go Army

I was bored with the white bike so I decided to go army green. I included some minor brown tints for the custom look. Check it out!

Team Toyota

decided to surf Mission Beach today because there was a contest in O B. when I got there I saw four older surfers parked together by the grass. Each of them was driving a Toyota pickup truck. They had to be surf buddies.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Burn One

I drove home and watched a beautiful sunset. I pulled up to our house and saw our neighbor Ryan burning wood in his backyard fire place. It motivated me to enjoy an evening on the back patio. Too bad the iPad camera doesn't handle low light....the evening scene was beautiful!